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After How Many Weeks IVF Pregnancy is Safe


How Many Weeks Pregnant Am I IVF


A total of two blood pregnancy tests (B-hCG) are performed 12 and 14 days after the embryo transfer. If the pregnancy test is negative, progesterone treatment is stopped and the IVF program ends with menstruation in a few days. If the pregnancy test is positive, progesterone treatment is continued. It is possible to see the gestational sac one week after the tests, and to see the baby heart movements one week after that, in the vaginal ultrasonographic examination. Progesterone support is continued by the doctor to prevent miscarriage.



IVF, which is the last hope of the childless, does not always promise children to couples. However, according to experts, the situation of those who apply the IVF method once and fail is not hopeless. Because with advanced tests, the chance of pregnancy can be increased several times.


How many weeks pregnant am i IVF? You can learn how many weeks pregnany your are IVF with blood pregnancy test. It is performed after 12-14 days after the embryo transfer.


You can check Caretta Clinic’s Am I a Good Candidate For IVF page to get more information.


How to Make IVF Successful the First Time


While the chance of success in the first attempt in IVF treatments is 60 percent in young women (under 35 years old), it drops to 20 percent after the age of 40. Because the quality of the egg depends on the age of the woman and the chance of pregnancy decreases after the age of 35.


Then, how to make IVF successful the first time? Factors affecting the chance of success in the first attempt include being overweight, problems in the uterus, hydrosalpinx in the tubes, immune system problems, smoking level, alcohol use, and decreased ovarian reserve. The tests performed before starting the process are very important, especially for the egg reserve in women.


After How Many Weeks IVF Pregnancy is Safe? IVF Pregnancy is safe after 5-7 weeks of pregnancy. After 5-7 weeks IVF pregnancy is generally safe. But you should consult your doctor for more information about your case.


If you have tried the IVF once and have not had successful results, don’t be too worried. Because the success rate of the technique in the first application is 60 percent under the best conditions. However, if pregnancy is not achieved despite good embryos given in IVF applications, we perform various tests.


We look at Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) for ovarian reserve in women, TSH for thyroid, fasting glucose for sugar, milk hormone (Prolactin), complete blood count and Hepatitis-b, Hepatitis-c and HIV tests for infectious diseases. If it has not been done before, we look at the uterine film (HSG). Only when necessary, we look into the uterus with a camera and perform treatment if necessary. We do sperm analysis after 2-7 days of sexual abstinence in men. Other than the tests listed above, other qualified tests are requested only in special cases. (For example: coagulation tests, chromosome analysis, sperm DNA test etc.)


IVF Turkey is a great option for the couples who want to have a baby for an affordable price. Caretta Clinic, an IVF clinic in Turkey, offers high-quality service with experienced team to perform IVF in Turkey.