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10 Important Things to Pay Attention After Hair Transplantation in Istanbul





If you decided to get hair transplant operation in Istanbul, there are 10 points that you should consider important. Here are the 10 important notes to consider after hair transplantation operation in Istanbu..


1- At the end of the procedure, a bandage is made by dressing the neck area, and a special bone is given to the hair transplanted area. When you reach your home or your hotel, you can remove the bonnet.


2- The bandage in the neck area can be removed the next day.


3- On the first day, the planted areas should not be touched by anything.


4- While sleeping on the first night, sleep on your back in a slightly upright position. Use a neck pillow to be safe.


5- Use the medications given to you in the first five days as your doctor has indicated.


6- Do not use alcohol for 1 week after the operation. Also, do not take aspirin for a week, reduce smoking.


7- Some people may have a slight swelling (edema) around the eyes and face. This situation will not take long and it’ll be healed within 2-3 days. Swelling is the downward displacement of the local anesthesia due to gravity.


8- You can travel by plane on the next day.


9- You can start doing activities such as exercise, sports, pool, sea, solarium, sunbathing and sauna after 1 month.


10- The first hair washing starts on the 2nd day and is done in the hospital, the special washing method will be explained to you in detail. You can do the next wash yourself at home. A lotion will be applied to the hair transplantation area and it should stay for 45 minutes. Then this area should be gently rinsed with warm water and washed with a special shampoo. The washing program lasts 10 days.


Read our blog article to learn "Is it safe to go to Turkey for a Hair Transplant?"