Endometriosis, known as chocolate cyst, which is common among women, is the cause of infertility in 30 percent of women.
Endometriosis (chocolate cyst) affects an average of 1 in 10 women in the society. Chocolate cysts can be seen from the beginning of reproductive age. The disease manifests itself in the form of menstrual pain, especially in young girls. In later ages, it causes complaints in the form of pain and groin pain during the menstrual period and during intercourse. Since chocolate cyst is an estrogen-related disease, it is commonly seen in reproductive age, although it may rarely occur in women entering menopause. Since chocolate cysts are one of the most important causes of infertility, 30 percent of women with this problem develop infertility. You can contact Caretta IVF Clinic in Istanbul if you have more questions about chocolate cysts.
The treatment approach of chocolate cysts is in two different ways; to have a baby and to treat the pain. It is preferred to wait for a while in women who want to have a baby and have good ovarian reserve. Because there is always the possibility of these patients to conceive on their own. However, vaccination treatment is also beneficial in early stage chocolate cysts. If there is no result, IVF treatment is applied. Chocolate cysts can be seen all over the body; It can be found in surgical incisions, in the lungs and even in the brain.
It is important to reduce or stop menstrual bleeding in preventing the formation of the cyst. Birth control pills are very helpful in controlling. However, lifestyle changes such as exercising and regulating diet are also very important in preventing endometriosis. We know that chocolate cysts are less common in women who exercise regularly.
Genetic factors are also effective in the occurrence of endometriosis. It is especially likely to be seen in women with a history of endometriosis in their first degree relatives, and therefore awareness should be increased.
You can increase your fertility by the right diet! Read our article to learn more about increasing pregnancy chance!