The tooth infection, also known as tooth abscess, is a health problem in the teeth' roots. It is an oral health problem caused by a buildup of bacterial germs on the teeth or gums. In other words, we can say that the body's reaction against bacteria. These abscesses can occur in the mouth and any part of the body. Abscesses can cause pain and redness.
There are two types of tooth abscesses according to the causes and symptoms. These types are divided into cold and hot. Cold abscesses can put jaw health at risk. A hot abscess is called a hot abscess because it suddenly raises the fever. A tooth abscess is an inflammatory infection that spreads quickly. Therefore, it creates a danger in the areas it can reach.
The most significant factor in forming a dental abscess is the neglect of oral and dental health. In addition to oral care, using substances such as tobacco and alcohol weakens the gums. The weakening of the gums is an essential factor that triggers the formation of inflammation. In addition to these, frequent consumption of products such as sugar and chocolate also creates the basis for abscess formation.
If the treatment of dental caries is delayed or tooth extraction is not applied when it should be, tooth abscess may occur. In addition, clenching or regular grinding of teeth during sleep are among the factors that trigger the formation of a dental abscess. The risk of tooth abscess may increase due to wear and tear on the fillings that have been used for a long time.
There are many symptoms of a tooth abscess. The most common and felt symptom is a severe toothache. Tooth sensitivity eating and pain while eating are the most common symptoms. These pains can also cause headaches. Since abscesses carry a high infection rate, getting sick frequently is an abscess symptom.
In addition, in some advanced patients, dental abscesses may cause larger-scale symptoms such as facial and neck swelling. Other symptoms can be listed as follows;
If you are experiencing at least one of the symptoms mentioned earlier, especially if you have complaints such as swelling on your face and cheek or if you have a high fever, you should consult your dentist immediately. These symptoms show that the infection has likely spread to your jaw and surrounding tissue. If your doctor cannot examine you immediately, you should visit any emergency department.
How Long Can a Tooth Infection Go Untreated? It would help if you did not wait a day to treat a tooth infection. There are several methods for the treatment of tooth abscesses. But the most traditional and well-known method is the extraction of the abscessed tooth. However, it will be a more effective method to treat the abscess. Antibiotics are applied so the infection does not spread to other bodies. Inflammation between the teeth is hygienically drained, and then the root surfaces of the teeth are cleaned.
If a tooth infection is not treated, it can lead to severe problems. The inflammation in the abscessed tooth first spreads to the surrounding tissues and jawbone, which causes severe pain and difficulty swallowing and breathing. It can then spread throughout the body and weaken your immune system. It can lead to severe cardiovascular, liver, and kidney disorders that cannot be compensated. An untreated tooth abscess can cause death. How Long Can a Tooth Infection Go Untreated? It may take a few weeks for a tooth infection to spread. So, when you notice the symptoms, you should see your dentist immediately.
Many alternative methods with no medical basis can not treat the dental abscess, and they can also cause the tooth abscess to become worse and more painful in some patients. Therefore, it will be best for your health to consult a specialist dentist as soon as you notice your dental abscess complaints.
Caretta Dental Clinic is the best dental clinic in Turkey Istanbul. Contact Caretta Clinic to get more information about dental in Turkey.
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