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Why Does the First Attempt in IVF Treatment Fail?


100,000 in vitro fertilization treatments are performed each year in Turkey, and the success rate is increasing with the applications made in addition to the classical IVF treatment. However, the average chance of being successful in the first IVF trial is 50%. yes, while IVF treatment gives successful results, half of the couples who apply for treatment are not successful in the first attempt.


Although pregnancy can be achieved, pregnancy losses and miscarriages can also be experienced due to the negativities experienced in the process until birth. About 20% of those who become pregnant in IVF treatment may lose their baby before delivery. Because many factors affect IVF treatment. In this respect, it should be kept in mind that couples who apply for IVF treatment and fail in their first attempt may fail in the first attempt and that the chance of success in the second attempt after appropriate treatments will be much higher.


Should a second attempt be made after a failed IVF treatment?


The chance of achieving pregnancy in the first IVF treatment is around 50%. In other words, pregnancy cannot be achieved in half of the first trials, and when miscarriage and baby losses are taken into account, the probability of a live birth drops to 40%. Therefore, before starting IVF treatment, it should be known that the first IVF treatment attempt may fail.


After the failure of the first IVF attempt, the couple is evaluated in detail in terms of their reproductive abilities and the reasons for the failure of the treatment are determined. Then, treatment methods are applied to eliminate the detected factors. This way, the chances of success in the next IVF trial increase as the issues that prevent reproduction, or in vitro fertilization treatment, are eliminated.


Considering this context, when the first IVF attempt is unsuccessful, a second attempt should be made at the right time with appropriate treatment. With the second attempt at the right time, the chance of conceiving a baby will be much higher than the first attempt. Because the factors that cause failure in the first attempt are eliminated with treatment. But there is no need for a second IVF attempt without any treatment.


When should the second IVF trial be done?


After the first IVF attempt is unsuccessful, a second attempt should be made after the couple feels financially and morally ready for treatment again. First of all, the factors that caused the first IVF attempt to fail are determined, and after the necessary treatments are carried out, treatment can be started again within 2-3 months, which the doctor finds appropriate, and a second attempt can be made.


If the age of the woman with the first unsuccessful IVF attempt is younger than 35, it can be interrupted for longer than 2-3 months. However, in couples where the woman's age is older than 35, it is recommended to start the treatment again immediately after a menstrual period. Because of the clearest known data on infertility; It is stated that the chances of conceiving decrease as the age of the expectant mother increases. Treatment is not interrupted for a long time after an unsuccessful attempt, as the chance of conceiving decreases as a result of the decrease in ovarian reserves of the expectant mother with age.


Contact Caretta Clinic to learn more about IVF in Turkey and IVF in Istanbul. Caretta Clinic is the best IVF clinic in Turkey and can help you get IVF treatment at affordable prices!